"Flights are actually free and airlines will make money on the perks like in-house holographic movies or sleeping pods.
The plane arrives on the Single Asian Sky network, the automated network that ensures smooth operations and continuos descent of aircrafts throughout.
Smaller planes are known as the Super-quiets and hop between smaller airports.
The solo transporters run on electricity or hydrogen fuel.
No more problems of waiting at the gates, the luggage is delivered and their is non-stop service till the gate. "
Cars in the city of Delhi are all automated and run on the Cloud, automated so that there are no accidents and traffic jams are a thing of the past.
All vehicles run on solar energy.
As one goes they see the heritage sites of the city encased in huge bubbles so as to preserve these space as places that are atmospherically regulated and keep the nostalgic sense of the city alive.
If society were to be analyzed, marriage is something of the past, an institution that does not exist.
As the population of the world stabilized at 9.7 billion a few years prior, it has turned out to be one of. People dress freely and live freely. You get a skin and can look like whoever you want to, whenever you want to.
Slum resemble the floored cities that look like those bonzai plants rather than the uniquely different city complexes which are almost transparent in their attitude of disconnect from the rest of human civilization.
The levels are very grey with vegetation of garbage and plastic rather than the green pastures of the upper or middle levels.